An Alternative for the 8th Wonder
B.Arch senior design studio project,
Rice School of Architecture.

The Astrodome is a historic stadium located in Houston, Texas that was once hailed as the 8th wonder of the world. Its history can be traced from its ambitious heyday in the 1960s to its eventual decline into a solitary object surrounded by unrelated parcels. How can we reverse and reclaim this process? “Astrodome Reassembly” proposes the use of construction documents to plan for disassembly and subsequent reassembly.

An inventory of construction elements form the basis of a disassembly kit of parts, which are reassembled to create shelters/ stages/ etc that can modularly expand and connect. Instead of being a hidden process culminating in a grand reveal, the construction period is reimagined as a public space experiment through temporary structures, that act as a laboratory of program and circulation. Movement is directed to multiple centres. This way, an anachronistic architecture that brings us back to the future is created.